
El generoso árbol de anacardo: una fuente natural de delicias de frutos secos y significado cultural<!-- --> | TheDailyWorld

Nov 11, 2023 12:59 pm

The cashew tree (Aпacardiυm occideпtale) is a captivating specimen that not only offers a fruitful harvest but is also culturally important and has a variety of uses.
Botanical characteristics
The cashew tree is a medium-sized evergreen tree that can reach 12 to 15 meters in height.
One of the most interesting features of the cashew tree is its distinctive cashew nut and fruit.
Culinary treasure: cashews
The cashew, encased in a kidney-shaped shell, is a culinary treasure with a unique flavor and texture.
Cashews are popular in both savory and sweet dishes, adding a delicious crunch and subtle buttery flavor.
Economic importance
Cashew nuts have significant economic value, especially for countries that grow and export cashew nuts.
Cultural significance
The cashew tree has cultural significance in several regions and often symbolizes prosperity, fertility and abundance.
Beyond culinary uses
Apart from its culinary applications, different parts of the cashew tree have other uses.
Sustainable agriculture and challenges
Sustainable cashew growing practices are essential to preserve the health of cashew orchards and the livelihoods of farmers.